What’s in a word?

The words we use matter. Words have force behind them. They hold a whole world of meaning.

If a word feels heavy and loaded for you, try changing it:

Take the essence of what you’re actually doing and what you actually mean under the label of the words. Then replace the words with that instead. Or play around with using your own interpretation of the words.

Maybe “schedule” feels controlling and rigid but “plans” feel light and malleable.

Maybe “my diet” feels restrictive and punishing but “my body’s nourishment” feels expansive and loving.

Maybe “working out” feels hard and overwhelming but “moving my body” feels doable and accessible.

Maybe “write email newsletter” feels draining and boring but “craft love poems for my people” feels energizing and motivating.

Maybe “networking” feels transactional and dreadful but “having conversations” feels easy and fun.

Notice how you feel when you use different words for the same thing. Does anything change?


Shifting personal beliefs


The case for gentleness